Registered Charity
The Cowbridge Charter Trust was formed in 2003 with support from over 200 patrons. The original reason for the Trust was to celebrate 750 years since the granting of the first Borough Charter on the 13th March 1254 by Richard de Clare the Lord of Glamorgan. The Committee recognised the value the Trust could be for Cowbridge and registered as a Charity in 2004. Reg. No. 1107225.
For technical reasons the Trust registered in March 2014 as a Charitable Incorporated Organisation Reg No.1156293 And created another web site www.cctrust.co.uk
The Celebrations began with a visit by His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales on St. David’s Day 2004 visiting the Holy Cross Church and meeting local children and various community groups in Cowbridge.
Captain Sir Norman Lloyd-Edwards, KCVO, GCSTJ, RD, JP, RNR and His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales

On Saturday the 13th. March 2004, 750 years after the granting of the Charter the whole of the Cowbridge area joined in the celebrations.
by all three Armed Forces and a Fly pass by the RAF.
strolling street entertainers & musicians along
with children’s shows it was a day enjoyed by
thousands of spectators in gorgeous sunshine.